Latest knitting project update

Well finally finished knitting the bag, actually I knitted 2 of them, one in shades of brown and the other in shades of blue.

I must say that the wool I used from Lidls knits up really well, it feels great as you are knitting, highly recommend it and will definitely buy some more if they get it in again.

So after making up and felting the bag I placed the wet fabric over a cereal box to dry, this helps the bag to be shaped and retain its shape.

I will post the before and after pictures as soon as I get then sorted.

Now I can move onto my next project.  Think I will do some sewing next.  Watch this space for details.

Latest knitting project

As always I have several things on the go.

I bought some variegated felting wool from my local Lidls shop, I must say the quality is excellent, especially for the price, £2.99 for 200g.  Using it to make a felted bag following the pattern on the packaging.  The pattern is very easy to do and follow.

Here is the pattern:

Front and and back of bag

Using 7mm needles cast on 50 stitches.  Starting with a knit row, stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl) for 90 rows or until work measures 50cm ending on a purl row.  On next row knit 15 stitches, cast off the next 20 stitches, knit to the end of the row.  Knit 4 rows at each side of the cast off stitches.  Next row knit 15 stitches, cast on 20 stitches and knit to end of row.  Knit another 20 rows then cast off.  You have now completed one side of your bag.  Repeat to complete another side.

Side panel

Using 7mm needles cast on 15 stitches.  Starting with a knit row, stocking stitch for 167 rows, cast off.

Assembling your bag

Starting at the top of one side sew the side panel all the way down, across the bottom and up the other side.  Repeat this with your other bag piece.

You are now ready to felt your bag.

Place your bag in your washing machine, wash on a 60 degree wash, during this time your bag will shrink in size and will become firmer in texture.  When your machine has finished take out your bag and shape as you wish, you may want to put something inside to help it keep its shape as it dries.  I find bubble wrap is great for this job.  Once it has fully dried you have a firm but soft feeling bag that can be used for anything.

Well so far I have completed one front and the side panel and I am half way up the back.

I will post pictures of the completed bag before and after felting to show the difference.